Things I Love About Philadelphia
(In no particular order)

- The Philadelphia Museum of Art
- All the red brick in the historic neighborhoods
- Being out on a summer evening with no jacket because it’s still warm
- Being able to walk from one end of Center City to the other
- The cultural diversity
- Isaiah Zagar’s mosiacs and Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens
- Clark Park and the big trees and historic houses in the surrounding neighborhood
- All the great restaurants, many of which are very affordable
- Vedge restaurant
- Being close to New York City but not being New York City
- The character of all the different neighborhoods
- The way people say “wooder ice”
- Walking along Kelly Drive in Fairmount Park
- Tiny alleys full of trinity houses
- The many beautiful murals (and the Mural Arts Program)
- The Schuylkill River Trail
- The Roots (and many other wonderful Philly musicians)
- So many small music venues
- All the outdoor beer gardens and pop-ups
- Spruce Street Harbor Park
- Many memories
- Great old friends
… and so much more!