What a Local Snake Taught Me

I have never loved snakes. I know I’m not alone in that, as many people fear or dislike snakes. I think there is an instinctual reaction that people (and other animals) have to snakes, since some snakes are venomous–it’s a good survival tactic to be cautious around them (although most snakes are not interested in attacking or biting, they just defend themselves if cornered). I also imagine that the Christian connection between the serpent and Satan has created a lot of cultural fear around snakes.
Although I used to be afraid of them, my perspective on snakes has changed over time. I now have more curiosity than fear when I see a snake. I still feel a little discomfort around them, but I also sort of like seeing them–as long as I don’t accidentally step on or touch one! And I am not sure I’d want to hold one.
For some reason, I’ve been thinking a lot about snakes lately. I think one reason may be that some people I know made some social media posts of photos of snakes they saw. Or, maybe it’s just because I am still transitioning from California back to Pennsylvania and thus have been thinking of the different flora and fauna here, including some native snake species like copperheads. So, it was both a surprise and not so much of a surprise when I saw a snake a few days ago.
It was a garter snake–harmless–but still a little shocking, as I encountered it in a residential neighborhood of Philadelphia near me called Manayunk. That area is hilly and has some staircases to get from one street to another in the steeper part of the neighborhood, similar to San Francisco, and I came across the snake on one set of steps. I was startled by it, not expecting to see a snake there. I had been keeping my eyes open for snakes when I was in parks or on trails, where it seemed more likely that snakes would be found. I didn’t think I would see one just slithering about in Manayunk.
After seeing the snake and taking a couple photos of it, I told a friend. He asked me what snakes represent spiritually, so I had to look it up. According to SpiritAnimal.info, snakes represent healing and transformation, often being connected to life force and spiritual energy. It seems fitting that I’d come face to face with a harbinger of transformation and change (and hopefully positive healing and growth) as I continue to adjust to my new life back on the East Coast.
Snakes may also represent unconscious drives and primal instincts: When we see or dream about a snake, we are encouraged to look within and also to pay attention to where we get energy and how we use it. Although I didn’t dream up this particular snake, the fact that I had been “looking for” snakes and paying enough attention to find one (and in an unexpected place!) makes me think that these are messages and questions that I need to ponder right now. I’m not sure yet what they mean, but I will be reflecting on them as I continue to build my new East Coast routines, re-connect with the people I love here, and get to know myself in this new/old context.